Getting started

Share about a team you were a part of where there was a real sense of teamwork and you loved it.

Have you ever faced something very difficult alone? What happened?

Have you ever been to a church? What was your experience?
A look at the Bible
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teachings…and to prayer. …All the believers were together… …Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes (*intentionally remembering what Jesus did for them …) and ate together with glad and sincere hearts…
Acts 2:42-47 in the Bible (*explanation)

Looking at the Bible verses, in what ways did their meeting together benefit them?

What benefits can you see in meeting in both small and large groups - as compared to just one of these?

In what other ways are you aware of church people helping each other?
Our Response

If you wanted to last the distance in following Jesus, how important would being part of a Christian team be?

Would you be willing to start visiting a church, to find somewhere you could call your ‘spiritual home’? Which one and when?
Dear God, thanks so much for making us relational. We really enjoy this ability to have and make friends. Please help us to find a Christian community that we can be part of, so we can learn more about you. Help us find Christian friends so we can encourage each other to make the best possible choices in our lives – both in the good times and the challenging times.
We want to know you and serve you well. Help us to do this!
In Jesus' name, we pray
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